Saturday, November 10, 2012

When God Speaks, He Does Not Stutter

To get where you're supposed to be, you need to sacrifice. You need to be relentless and as my friend Gisselle says, you need to persevere. I've been told and reminded time and time again that 'if you cling to your life you will lose it.' (Matt 10:39). Some things are easier than others. It was easy to get rid of the go-to number in my phone and believe it or not, stopping any kind of drug use that I was doing was extremely easy for someone who loved the high. But old habits die hard.

We are our own worst enemies. Our flesh is nothing more than a constant reminder that you will fail. So how do you look at the life you've lived up until this point, where you failed and disappointed people, and try to wrap your head around the fact that Someone has loved you before, during and will after you mess up? That He has a plan for you to succeed, to be something big, to make a difference and leave more than just a footprint in someone's heart? Because up until then, up until the moment we started a relationship with Christ we were nothing but prisoners to our own skin and flesh, prisoners of this world. How do you go from that to this big plan laid out in front of you?

But I learned something: When God speaks, He does not stutter.

Not only does He know what He wants and when He wants it, He knows when you need it. He knows when you're going to need Him and inches Himself closer. 

See, He knows us better than we know ourselves. His plan for us will not only help us know Him better, but know ourselves better. We're fearfully and wonderfully made; I think we're too complex to be mediocre. I think if we succeed in a teaspoon's worth of what God has planned for us, we could literally make the world shake. 

When He speaks, He does not stutter. His voice does not shake. He knows. He is the truth, isn't He? He is sure that we deserve a chance. That is why His voice will never shake when He reveals His love for us or when He reveals His plans for us. 

I tend to have this I'm better than you complex and I love this reality check I got the other day. Sometimes, I make God too small, and I don't do it on purpose; I know He's greater than anything. But by making myself feel greater or bigger than anyone else, that's what I'm doing. Then I saw this comic:

We are an amazing creation. We may even be a blessing to someone. But no matter how great we are, we are specs of dust compared to the King, breathing His borrowed air and living on borrowed time. 

When God speaks He does not stutter. Humble yourself down, know He loves you and know that nothing is possible without Him, and when you speak the truth, you won't stutter either.